
Civil engineer develops lesson plans around bridges as part of I-70 project

How do you construct a road over a river? Why do some bridges have steel arches over the roadway while others don’t? How do bridges work, anyway? Sarah…

A boy and a girl collaborate on a project while a counselor looks on.

STEM Cubs ignites students’ curiosity for engineering

The College of Engineering’s STEM Cubs had students from kindergarten through fifth grade roaring about STEM. STEM Cubs is a day camp aimed at increasing access to science, technology, engineering and math for lower income and underrepresented minority students. Held three times a year, the fall edition focused on structure building. The camp incorporates STEM concepts into fun activities that resonant with students and show them these seemingly challenging subjects are exciting and doable.


Hands-on activities highlight Show Me Mizzou Day

More than 2,000 people visited the University of Missouri campus for its first Show Me Mizzou Day on Saturday, April 13, and many stopped by the wide array of activities and tables in and around the College of Engineering’s Lafferre and Neff Halls.