cardiovascular health


Mizzou Engineering team devises novel way to non-invasively monitor heart problems

In the future, people with heart problems may be able to monitor their condition from home, ensuring they are taking the appropriate type and amount of medicine. That’s because a Mizzou Engineering research team has devised a way to non-invasively assess whether a person’s heart is in balance with the circulatory system. The work earned…


Researcher bioengineers heart valve scaffolding

A Mizzou Engineer is developing biodegradable heart valve scaffolds that can replace damaged valves, and grow and function as native tissue valves.

The Smart Bed, decked out in Mizzou sheets.

Getting to the heart of the matter

Compiled over time, the differences in peaks and valleys — called a waveform — in one’s heartbeat can tell medical professionals a lot about a person’s cardiovascular health. But what if you could measure the same thing without all of those invasive sensors attached to your body? Imagine that, instead, you could provide doctors that same data with a sensor located under a mattress or behind a couch cushion.