
Chip Gubera

Film to Explore Grief in the Digital Age

Technology is changing the way we process grief as those who pass away leave behind social media accounts, text messages and other digital reminders.

color palette with movie still

Coloring Outside the Lines: Research to Quantify Color Palettes of Award-Winning Films

Filmmakers rely heavily on color palettes to invoke a mood or set a tone in cinema. But do human brains actually pick up on those strategic color schemes? That’s what one Mizzou Engineer hopes to discover over the course of the coming year.

Persephone Suits

Engineering Students Help Create TV Production

Scene: In the not-too-distant future, a digital artist creates a machine that integrates with the biometrically-attached technology imbedded in most of the population—cell phone technology implanted in a person’s arm and Google glasses for one’s eye. Her machine pulls all of the data from these imbedded devices to create art. When the artist’s sister, a software engineer, attends her sister’s art opening, something goes wrong, affecting people who had integrated with the machine—they seem to shut down and become incapacitated. The Chief Magistrate is called in to investigate….That’s the premise of a television pilot being produced by filmmaker and Assistant Professor of Practice Brian Maurer in the Information Technology program.

A screencap of Chip Gubera's film, depicting a man and a woman standing together in a kitchen.

IT Faculty Member Takes 1st at Film Fest

A Mizzou Engineering faculty member took first place in a 48-hour virtual film fest earlier this month.