Meet a Mizzou Engineer

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Meet Baolin Deng

Meet Professor Baolin Deng, who has spent his career working on innovative ways to remove harmful toxins from our drinking water.


Meet Roger Fales

Meet Roger Fales, associate dean of student services and academic program and a researcher who is helping premature babies breathe better.


Meet Kevin Gillis

Meet Kevin Gillis, chair and professor in the Department of Biomedical, Biological and Chemical Engineering, who's 25-year career at Mizzou has focused on service to others.


Meet Brian Maurer

Meet Brian Maurer, who’s leading the Information Technology Program into a new era of innovation.


Meet Jim Noble

Meet Jim Noble, chair of the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE), where he’s spent nearly three decades teaching students to be prepared for and manage operations with respect to uncertainty.


Meet Praveen Edara

Meet Civil and Environmental Engineering Chair Praveen Edara, who was among the first to study diverging diamond intersections.


Meet Syed Kamrul Islam

Meet Syed Kamrul Islam, chair of electrical engineering and computer science at Mizzou Engineering.

University of Missouri historic columns

Meet Noah Manring

What does it take to be an effective leader? Management skills? Of course. The ability to solve problems? Absolutely. A Mizzou Engineering education? Turns out, that’s proven to be key for hundreds of CEOs and managers. Meet Dean Noah Manring, who’s on a mission to ensure the College continues that…

University of Missouri historic columns

Meet Hongbin ‘Bill’ Ma

Imagine having a two-sided lunchbox that could keep your soda cool all day while also heating a can of soup at lunch. Or a temperature-controlled swimming pool that allowed you to swim in November. What about a high-tech beach umbrella that could keep you 15 degrees cooler than the air around it? Sound like a…

University of Missouri historic columns

Meet Prasad Calyam

The U.S. is facing a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals, leaving government and businesses vulnerable to online attacks. A Mizzou Engineer is on a mission to fill those vacancies. Meet Prasad Calyam, who has made it his purpose to train a new generation of cyber warriors who can defend our digital data. Calyam is an associate…