Academic Probation and Dismissal - Mizzou Engineering

College of Engineering Policy on Academic Action for Fall Semester 2022

The details and regulations surrounding probation and dismissal can be complicated.

Please check with your academic advisor to get all the details.

  • A student who starts a semester in good academic standing and whose term and cumulative MU GPA are 2.0 or higher will remain in good academic standing. A “term” is defined as fall or spring semester.
  • Academic standing is evaluated at the end of each semester and is based on a student’s GPA in courses that are complete at the end of the semester. Incompletes and courses in progress are not considered in evaluating academic standing.
    • If inclusion of a later IP or I class grade posting would dismiss or place a student on probation, we will retroactively change his or her academic standing to reflect dismissals and probations. A student dismissed due to an IP or I grades posting will be allowed to complete the current semester courses but will need to go through the Academic Appeals process at the end of the semester. The Academic Appeals committee may or may not grant the appeal for the student to continue in the College of Engineering. A student placed on probation will need to maintain a 2.0 for the current semester.
    • If an IP or I class grade removes a student from probation or dismissal, we would remove the academic standing placed on them only at the request of the student (we would not administratively be responsible to check these grades). Dismissed students would be allowed to enroll and probation students would be placed in Good Standing.
  • A student will be placed on academic probation if while in good academic standing the student has a term GPA less than 2.0 but equal to or greater than 1.0.
    • While on academic probation, a student must enroll in and complete each semester at MU at least 12 credits of course work necessary for the degree. Courses taken through MU’s Center for Distance and Independent Learning count as part of these 12 credits. A student who works at least 20 hours per week may enroll in a reduced course load while on probation. Please check with your advisor.
    • A student will be removed from probation at the end of the term when the term and cumulative GPA are 2.0 or higher, provided the student completed 12 or more hours or less if working at least 20 hours per week applicable toward the degree.
    • A student will be continued on probation if while on probation the student has a term GPA greater than or equal to 2.0 but whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0.
  • A student will be dismissed from the College of Engineering if the student:
    • Receives a term GPA of less than 1.0
    • Receives a term GPA of less than 2.0 while on probation
  • Readmission:
    • A student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may be readmitted upon a successful appeal to the Academic Appeals committee of the college. Students who are subject to dismissal (IE) and who wish to appeal their case for continuation must write an appeal letter and submit it to the chair of the Academic Appeals committee.
    • Similarly, students who wish to re-enroll in the College of Engineering after having been out of school as a result of a dismissal must write a letter of appeal to the College of Engineering Academic Appeals committee requesting readmission.
    • Dismissed students who are not enrolled at MU in the spring semester must appeal for readmission if they desire to take summer courses at MU.
    • Letters may be sent as an email attachment (strongly preferred) to or mailed to:

Academic Appeals Committee
c/o Susie Ehney
College of Engineering
W1025E Lafferre Hall
Columbia, MO 65211

      • Appeals must be received by Monday, January 2, 2023, at noon.
  • A personal visit with the director of undergraduate studies of the student’s department and advisor before appealing by letter is often helpful, both to the student and to the committee.
  • The primary concern of the appeals committee is the likelihood of future success. Accordingly, any appeal should include an explanation for past poor performance and reasons for expecting better in the future.
  • A student who is readmitted after a successful appeal will be placed on Final Probation. Such student if dismissed again will not be eligible for readmission.
  • If the appeals committee allows a student to re-enroll, it may set conditions such as courses to be taken, minimum grades, total hours, etc., to which the student must adhere.
Contact Information:

Susie Ehney

Campus Location

W1025E Lafferre Hall