
Giovanna Guidoboni

Giovanna Guidoboni

Associate Dean for Research, Professor

327 Naka Hall

Phone: 573-882-4485

Email: guidobonig@missouri.edu

BBCE - Affiliated | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MAE - Adjunct


Giovanna Guidoboni is associate dean of research in the College of Engineering and a professor with joint appointments in electrical engineering and computer science and mathematics. Her research focus is on mathematical modeling and data science applied to engineering and life sciences. She collaborates with colleagues across campus, nationally and internationally in areas such as ocular blood flow and risk factors associated with ocular diseases; noninvasive health monitoring; and plant physiology. She is currently providing mathematical modeling for research around the function of various organs, including the eye, the lower urinary tract and the cardiovascular system,  and the design of sensors that could monitor such functions. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health and the European Commission.

Before joining Mizzou in 2017, Guidoboni served on the faculty of the University of Houston (TX, USA), Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IN, USA) and the Université de Strasbourg (France). She received prestigious international awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship and a Chaire Gutenberg (France). In 2022, Dr. Guidoboni was elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Guidoboni has a PhD in mathematics and an MS in engineering of materials from the University of Ferrara in Italy.


PhD from University of Ferrara (Italy)
MS from University of Ferrara
BS from University of Ferrara



Technical Focus

Multiscale/multiphysics modeling
Mechanism-driven and data-driven modeling
Biomedical applications
Computational methods for partial and ordinary differential equations