Civil and Environmental Engineering

STEM Scholars

Our Fall 2023 online application portal for the Mizzou Engineering STEM Scholars Program will open Dec. 1, 2022. This site is undergoing an upgrade to reflect changes to the program from Fall 2022 and will become operational by Dec. 1, 2022. 

Join the Select Group of CEE STEM

National Science Foundation logo

Funded by the National Science Foundation S-STEM Program


The National Science Foundation funded S-STEM project aims to contribute to the national need for well-trained civil engineers by supporting the recruitment, retention and graduation of high achieving, students with demonstrated financial need. Over its five-year duration, the project plans to provide prestigious two-year scholarships to 24 undergraduate and 8 graduate (master’s) students at the University of Missouri. Scholars will pursue Bachelor or Master of Science degrees in Civil Engineering.

The CEE STEM Scholars Program aims to contribute to the national need for well-trained civil engineers by supporting the recruitment, retention and graduation of high-achieving students with demonstrated financial need.

Freshman applicants selected for the CEE STEM Scholars Program will be awarded a scholarship of $8,500 the first year. The scholarship will be renewed at $9,000 for their sophomore year subject to satisfactory performance in the program. This scholarship will be in addition to other financial aid provided by the University of Missouri Financial Aid Office. Scholarship recipients will additionally receive comprehensive academic support in eight foundational courses (termed Gateway 8) including calculus, basic sciences and engineering analysis. The Missouri Department of Transportation, HDR Engineering, Inc., and Kiewit Construction will consider Scholars for possible internship, co-op and job-shadowing opportunities to expand undergraduate students’ workforce training and experience. Scholars will receive additional institutional support during their junior and senior years. Optional research with faculty mentors will create opportunities for scholars to transition to University of Missouri graduate programs in civil engineering.

Masters applicants selected for the CEE STEM Scholars Program will be awarded a scholarship of $9,500 during their first year. The scholarship will be renewed at $10,000 for the second year subject to satisfactory performance in the program. Master’s CEE STEM Scholarship recipients may additionally be eligible to receive waiver of in‐state tuition fees, depending upon the additional academic responsibilities assigned to them. Master’s CEE STEM Scholars will work with internationally renowned faculty on research projects with a focus on smart, sustainable and resilient infrastructure systems. They will participate in customized academic and workforce development support, cohort activities and mentoring of undergraduate CEE STEM Scholars.

Current STEM Scholars

2022 STEM Scholar inductee Allison Buschmann

Allison Buschmann

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2022 Stem Scholar inductee Luke Markovich

Luke Markovich

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Thomas Phelen: 2022 STEM Scholar

Thomas Phelen

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2022 STEM Scholar Logan Wittman

Logan Wittman

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2022 STEM Scholar Thomas McCauley

Thomas McCauley

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