Strategic Plan - Mizzou Engineering

Mizzou Engineering strives to provide an inclusive community of excellence that fosters innovation in teaching, research and outreach. The strategic plan provides a blueprint for how we fulfill our mission and achieve our vision while honoring the core values of the University of Missouri.

Vision Statement

To create a better world, through engineering.

Mission Statement

To educate engineers, create leaders, advance technology, and develop entrepreneurs within an inclusive, research and interdisciplinary environment; resulting in well-informed citizens, economic development, job creation, and an improved standard of living for Missouri and beyond.

Core Values

  1. Respect
  2. Responsibility
  3. Discovery
  4. Excellence


Our strategies, which align with the UM System Compacts, are supported by goals, objectives, and action plans. A high-level view of our action plans is noted below:

1. Pursuit of Student Success

We develop the next generation of engineers by ensuring they engage in co-ops or internships before they graduate, engage in undergraduate research and student organizations and have the opportunity to study abroad.

We are focused on recruiting high-achieving undergraduate and graduate students who will be supported through graduation.

Upon graduation, our students will be placed in industry, civil service or faculty positions and will be prepared to advance into leadership careers.

2. Pursuit of Excellence in Research and Creative Works

We are committed to supporting and increasing research activity, impact, and leadership, including increasing research expenditures, increasing Phase I AAU funding and growing our H-index.

We recognize our faculty for outstanding contributions through university and national awards, and encourage faculty to participate in professional societies and editorial boards.

3. Pursuit of Excellence in Engagement and Outreach

We are committed to expanding the scope of learning by increasing the number of master’s programs and certificates offered through Missouri Online.

We recognize the economic impact of engineering on the state, as each new engineer adds $3 million to the state GDP each year.

We support faculty members who develop Intellectual Property and engage in startup companies.

4. Pursuit of Inclusive Excellence

We recognize the value of individuality and invest in students, faculty and staff who have historically been underrepresented in engineering fields.

We foster a learning and working environment that is supportive, respectful and values differing perspectives and experiences.

Through the Inclusivity Center, the Multicultural Engineering Program, Peer Mentoring, the Summer Bridge Program and our IDE Fellows, we provide impactful IDE resources. We will measure our climate each year and continue to make improvements.

We are committed to increasing the number of underrepresented minorities in the College.

5. Pursuit of Excellence in Planning, Operations and Stewardship

We invest in our mission and vision to prepare engineering leaders. This includes continued focus on increasing resources that will allow us to hire, develop, and reward the best faculty and staff.

In response to MizzouForward, we are committed to hiring 50 new faculty members and 25 new staff members over the coming years.

We encourage faculty and staff to engage in professional development activities, identifying opportunities.

We reward faculty and staff with competitive salaries and by nominating them for nationally recognized awards.

We continue to build upon and maintain world-class infrastructure, upgrading facilities and buildings to achieve our vision.