
Engineers’ Week 2021 Co-chairs Have Safety in Mind

March 11, 2021

Portrait: Lauren Baratta

  2021 Engineers’ Week Co-chair Lauren Baratta

As we near St. Patrick’s Day, every Mizzou Engineer knows the best week of the year is approaching quickly – Engineers’ Week! This annual celebration is a time-honored observance for all Mizzou Engineers to recognize St. Patrick, the patron saint of engineers.

The Engineers’ Club-St. Pat’s Board is responsible for planning and executing E-week activities each year. Seniors Lauren Baratta, a chemical engineering major, and Jarod Rains, an electrical engineering major, were named 2021 Engineers’ Week co-chairs last April to lead the board’s efforts

For 2021’s E-week, the goal for both Baratta and Rains is to honor the traditions of E-week but do so following the current Show Me Renewal health and safety guidelines.

“Having an Engineers’ Week that is not necessarily normal, but close to normal, is important,” Baratta, from O’Fallon, Missouri, said. “Still celebrating those traditions, I think, is really helpful for morale.”

Portrait: Jarod Rains

2021 Engineers’ Week Co-chair Jarod Rains

“E-week has been around since 1903, and to me, that is a big part of not only engineering’s history, but also for campus,” Rains, from Gallatin, Missouri, said. “I think it’s still important to celebrate those traditions.”

Both Rains and Baratta have been active with the Engineers’ Club-St. Pat’s Board since they were sophomores. In addition to volunteering their time to plan last year’s event, both were Engineering Royalty candidates.

Baratta and Rains hope to create a positive view of engineering for those new to Mizzou Engineering.

“I want people to see that being an engineer, while a lot of times is really hard, can be really fun,” Baratta said. “The people you get to know through the College is such a great group.