
Frank Feng

Frank Feng

IDE Fellow, Professor

E3407 Lafferre Hall

Phone: 573-884-4624

Email: fengf@missouri.edu

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Frank Feng is a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Missouri and is an IDE Faculty Fellow in the College of Engineering. He received his PhD degree from the University of Minnesota and is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


PhD from the University of Minnesota
BS from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Technical Focus

Dynamics and vibration

Micro electrico-mechanical systems (MEMS)




Thermal Runaway in Lithium-ion Batteries

Thermal runaway refers to uncontrollable temperature rise when a temperature threshold has been exceeded. This problem has plagued the Boeing 787 Dreamliner recently. See Battery at Center of Inquiry”, New York Times, January 29, 2013.

Although the Dreamliner is certified to return to the service, the cause for the accidents has yet to be found. We have developed a model that identifies the interactions between two parallel units inside a cell as the cause.

See Thermal runaway due to symmetry breaking in parallel- connected battery cells, International Journal of Energy Research, 2013 Further experiments are planned.

Dynamics of Glass Pipettes Driven by Piezoelectric Impact Actuators

The objective of this research is to understand the dynamics of glass pipettes driven by piezoelectric impact actuators. The glass pipettes are used in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Currently the ICSI procedure is facilitated by filling a part of the glass pipette with mercury for a reason that is not very clear yet. Our ultimate goal is to design a piezo-driven system that does not require mercury for its operation

Microfluidic Channels for Cell Sorting

We use “soft lithography” to make PDMS microfluidic channels. The channels are used to sort sperm cells using fluid flow and the self-propelled motion of the sperm cells

Development of Piezoelectric Self-Propelled Capsule

We try to use the nonlinear interactions between the frictional surfaces to propel a capsule to move in a desired direction.

Friction and Impact in Structural Systems

Friction and impact are two main causes for vibration and noise in structural systems. Our interest is in developing simple models that can used in mechanical designs.

Munoz-Guijosa, J.M., and Feng, Z.C. Stability analysis of a rigid rotor on tilting pad journal bearingsProceedings of IMechE: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 214 Part J, 243-251, 2000.

Qiu, J. and Feng, Z.C. Impact dynamics of thin plates Computers and Structures 75: 491-506, 2000.

Feng, Z.C. and Zhang, X.-Z.Rubbing phenomena in rotor-stator contact Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 14, 257-267, 2002

Li, Y. and Feng, Z.C. Bifurcation and chaos in friction-induced vibrationCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol 9 (6), 571-581, 2004.

Lee, Y. and Feng, Z.C. Dynamic responses to sinusoidal excitations of beams with frictional jointsCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol 9 (6), 633-647, 2004.

Design and Modeling of MEMS Gyroscopes

We investigate the dynamics and control of MEMS microgyroscopes.

Feng, Z.C. and Gore, K. Frequency responses of vibratory gyroscopes IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 4, 80-84, 2004.

Feng, Z.C., A nonlinear dynamics model of a microelectromechanical vibrating wheel gyroscope Advances in Structural Dynamics (edited by J.M. Ko and Y.L. Xu), Elsevier, Oxford, 283-290, 2000

Haney, J.D., and Feng, Z.C. Achieving close frequency match without incurring instabilities in micro gyrosIMECE 2001/MEMS-23838, Proceedings of 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 11-16, 2001, New York, NY. 1-5, 2001

Lee, Yongsik, and Feng, Z.C. Feasibility study of parametric excitations of a tuning fork microgyroscope ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-59978, 2004

Poreddy, S., Pai, P., and Feng, Z.C. Design compensation for fabrication imperfection of microgyroscopes ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-59967, 2004

Fan, M., Feng, Z.C., and Chellaboina, V. Adaptive input estimation methods for high bandwidth microgyros ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-61898, 2004

Clark, M., and Feng, Z.C. Dynamic testing of mechanical properties of a substrate using phase-locked loop”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 6-11, Orlando, FL, IMECE2005-81392, pp.1-6

Lee, Y. and Feng, Z.C. Design of a parametrically excited tuning fork microgyroscope ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 6-11, Orlando, FL, IMECE2005-81427, pp.1-6


Instrumentation Basics

Voltage-current characteristics of CFL and LED light bulbs

    An incandescent light bulb can be modeled as a resistor. The CFL and LED light bulbs show much complicated voltage-current characteristics. They cannot be modeled using resistors, capacitors and inductors.

The effect of a dimmer switch on the sine wave

    This video shows how the dimmer switch affects the sine wave. Note that the wave is changed even when the switch is set at full power. This is the reason why compact florescent lights won’t work with dimmer switches.

Piezoelectric transducers

    Piezoelectric materials such as lead zirconate titanate (also called PZT) can be used both as a sensor and as an actuator. The novel feature of this video is that no power amplifier is used; the PZT is driven by a function generator alone.

Mechanical Vibration

Ground resonance

Vibration of a plate

Visual effect of many pendulums with different lengths

Chaos of a double compound pendulum

Stabilization of an inverted pendulum by vibration

Vibration Visualization

Bowed violin string is slow motion

Beam vibration under strobe light

Rolling shutter illusion of string vibration

Rolling shutter illusion (more information on Wikipedia)

Nonlinear Phenomena

Creeping Trojan Horse

    Friction enables a “Trojan horse” with internal moving parts to creep along the floor.

Dancing Sands

    Patterns form by particles on a vibrating table.

Dancing Water or Waves

    Predicting the wave response to perioric excitation can be too difficult.

A video on parametric instability

    This video shows parametric instability in a mechanical system

A video on wheel flutter, also known as wheel shimmy

A video on hysteresis

    This video shows hysteresis in the dynamic responses of a nonlinear system

A video on internal resonance

    This video shows internal resonances between modes. The internal resonance is strongest when the natural frequency of the bouncing mode is nearly twice of the swing mode.

Interesting videos

Gyroscopic effect: Defy gravity

Lexus structural blue

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse

Do It Yourself

Fixing the flickering problem in the ceiling fan light

Fixing the flickering in florescent lights

How to turn on a gas fireplace when electric power is out?

    Your gas fireplace works during power outage except the blower. Thermopiles heated by the pilot fire generate enough electricity to operate the millivolt gas valve. I assume my gas water heater works in a similar way.

Refrigerator Overload Relay Problem

    My refrigerator stopped cooling suddenly. Defrosting water spills on the floor. Clicking noise can often be heard. Saw several internet posts on “Defrost Timer” problem. After talking to a few of my friends, I concluded that the “Overload Relay” should be the first thing to check.


Papers in Refereed Journals

Paper citation information available on Google Scholar

Z.C. Feng, Yuyi Lin, Displacement limiters as instigators of large amplitude vibrations in lightly damped systemsJournal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics 3 (1) (2019) 1-9.

Y. Chen, R. P. Zhu, Z. C. Feng, G. H. Jin, and W. Zhang, Influence of oil film stiffness on natural characteristics of single-rotor three-input helicopter main gearboxVibroengineering PROCEDIA, Vol. 17, 2018, p. 7-12.

Iqbal Alshalal and Z.C. Feng Detection of symmetry breaking bifurcations using finite element analysis packagesInternational Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics; doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2018.08.015

Jianxiong Zhu, Nuh S Yuksek, M Almasri, and Zaichun Feng Numerical modeling of dynamic response of miniature multi-impact electromagnetic device for low and wide range frequencies energy harvestingProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. doi: 10.1177/0955406218791638

Shi Sun, Xuhan Dai, Zaichun Feng, Guifu Ding, and Xiaolin Zhao Independent nonlinear tuning of planar spring via geometrical design for wideband vibration energy harvestingSensors and Actuators A: Physical (267): 393-400, 2017; doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.10.045

Xiaoxu Zhang, Jian Xu, Zaichun Feng Nonlinear equivalent model and its identification for a delayed absorber with magnetic action using distributed measurement Nonlinear Dynamics (2017) 88: 937-954; doi: 10.1007/s11071-016-3286-z

Anthony R. Lupo , Y. Charles Li, Z. C. Feng , Neil I. Fox , Jordan L. Rabinowitz  and Micheal J. Simpson  Sensitive versus Rough Dependence under Initial Conditions in Atmospheric Flow Regimes Atmosphere 2016, 7(12), 157; doi: 10.3390/atmos7120157

Chen, S. & Feng, Z.C. Damping and stiffening forces of a squeeze film between two plates Nonlinear Dyn (2016). doi:10.1007/s11071-016-3150-1 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11071-016-3150-1?wt_mc=Internal.Event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorOnlineFirst

Feng, Z.C. and Xin, Ming The effect of continuum model on the stability of feedback control of thermal systems Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2016 IEEE 11th Conference on http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7603587/

Feng, Z.C. and Zhang, Yuwen Dynamic compensation of temperature sensors using a continuum model Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2016 IEEE 11th Conference on http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7603938/

Z.C. Feng and Y. Charles Li A Resolution of the Paradox of EnrichmentInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25 (2015) 1550094 (10pp)

Z.C. Feng and Ming Xin Energy pumping analysis of skating motion in a half pipe and on a level surface European Journal of Physics. 36 (2015) 015002 (12pp)

J.X. Zhu, J. Lin, N.S. Yuksek, M. Almasri, and Z.C. Feng Dynamic phenomena and analysis of MEMS capacitive power harvester subjected to low-frequency excitations, Nonlinear Dynamics. 79 (1), 673-688, 2015

N.S. Yuksek, Z.C. Feng, and M. Almasri Broadband electrostatic device for power harvesting, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660, 012102, 2015.

N.S. Yuksek, Z.C. Feng and M. Almasri Broadband electromagnetic power harvester from vibrations via frequency conversion by impact oscillations,Applied Physics Letters 105, 113902, 2014

Z.C. Feng and Yuwen Zhang Safety monitoring of exothermic reactions using time derivatives of temperature sensors, Applied Thermal EngineeringAvailable online: 21 February 2014.

Z.C. Feng and Yuwen Zhang Thermal runaway due to symmetry breaking in parallel-connected battery cells, International Journal of Energy ResearchArticle first published online: 16 JUL 2013.

P. Frank Pai, Robert D. Chapman, and Zaichun Feng Geometrically exact displacement-based shell theory, Thin-Walled Structures Vol. 70, 1-18, 2013.

Z.C. Feng and Perry Gu Vibration and noise caused by the cavity modes of a rolling tire under static loading The 15th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, ICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea; 06/2013

Nazia Afrin, Z.C. Feng, Yuwen Zhang, and J.K. Chen Inverse estimation of the front surface temperature of a locally heated plate with temperature-dependent conductivity via Kirchhoff transformation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences Vol. 69, 53-60, 2013.

Yunpeng Ren, Yuwen Zhang, J.K. Chen, and Z.C. Feng Inverse estimation of the front surface temperature of a 3-D finite slab based on the back surface temperature measured at coarse grids. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology Vol. 63:1, 1-17, 2013.

Jianhua Zhou, Yuwen Zhang, J.K. Chen, and Z.C. Feng Three-dimensional inverse heat transfer in a composite target subject to high-energy laser irradiation, Journal of Heat Transfer Vol. 134, 111201-1 (10pp), 2012.

Lin, J. Zhu, Y. Chang, Z. Feng, and M. Almasri, Surface micromachines MEMS capacitors with dual cavity for energy harvesting, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 22 (6), 1458-1469, 2013

Lin, J.X. Zhu, M. Sonje, Y. Chang, Z.C. Feng, and M. Almasri, Two-cavity MEMS variable capacitor for power harvesting, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22 (2012) 065003 (9pp)

Jung, D. Seo, S.J. Lombardo, Z.C. Feng, J.K. Chen, and Y. Zhang Fabrication using filler controlled pyrolysis and characterization of polysilazane PDC RTD arrays on quartz wafers, Sensors and Actuators A Vol. 175, 53-59, 2012.

Jianhua Zhou, Yuwen Zhang, J.K. Chen, and Z.C. Feng Inverse estimation of surface temperature induced by a moving heat source in a 3-D object based on back surface temperature with random measurement errors, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Vol. 61, 85-100, 2012.

Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, J.K., and Feng, Z.C. Inverse estimation of front surface temperature of a plate with laser heating and convection-radiation cooling, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 52, 22-30, 2012

Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, J.K., and Feng, Z.C. Inverse estimation of surface heating condition in a finite slab with temperature-dependent thermophysical properties, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 32(10), 861-875, 2011

Feng, Z.C. and Gu, P. Modeling and experimental verification of vibration and noise caused by the cavity models of a rolling tire under static loading, SAE International 05/17/2011

Feng, Z.C., Chen, J.K., Zhang, Y., Griggs, J.L. Estimation of front surface temperature and heat flux of a locally heated plate from distributed sensor data on the back surface International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 54, 3431-3439, 2011.

Seo, S. Jung, S.J. Lombardo, Z.C. Feng, J.K. Chen, and Y. Zhang Fabrication and electrical properties of polymer-derived ceramic (PDC) thin films for high-temperature heat flux sensors Sensors and Actuators A Vol. 165, 250-255, 2011.

Feng, Z.C. and Li, Charles Y. On the chaotic dynamics in a long Josephson Junction International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Vol. 21, No. 1, 137-153, 2011.

Feng, Z.C., Chen, J.K., Zhang, Y., Montgomery-Smith, S. Temperature and heat flux estimation from sampled transient sensor measurements International Journal of Thermal Sciences Vol. 49, 2385-2390, 2010.

Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, J.K., and Feng, Z.C. Inverse estimation of surface heating condition in a three-dimensional object using conjugate gradient methodInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, 2643-2654, 2010

Feng, Z.C., Chen, J.K., Zhang, Y. Real-time solution of heat conduction in a finite slab for inverse analysisInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences Vol. 49, 762-768, 2010.

Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, J.K., and Feng, Z.C. Inverse heat conduction in a composite slab with pyrolysis effect and temperature- dependent thermophysical propertiesASME Journal of Heat Transfer Vol. 132, 034502-1, 2010

Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, J.K., and Feng, Z.C. Inverse heat conduction using measured back surface temperature and heat flux, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer , Vol. 24, 95-103, 2010

Feng, Z.C., Gu, P., Chen, Y. and Li, Z. Modeling and experimental investigation of tire cavity noise generation mechanisms for a rolling tireSAE International Jouranl Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems Vol 2, 1414-1423, 2009.

Chicone, C., and Feng, Z.C. Power harvesting from rotation? European Journal of Physics , Vol 29, 2008, 1115-1120.

Lee, Y., Pai, P.F., and Feng, Z.C. Nonlinear complex response of a parametrically excited tuning fork. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , Vol 22, 2008, 1146-1156.

Feng, Z.C. Dynamic effect in high pressure microbe inactivation International Journal of Food Engineering , Vol 3, 2007, 1-16.

Chicone, C., Feng, Z.C. and Heitzman, M.Transient response of tapered elastic bars. Journal of Applied Mechanics , Vol 74, 2007. 677-685.

Seo, D., Agca, Y., Feng, Z.C. and Critser, J. Development of sorting, aligning, and orienting motile sperm using microfluidic device operated by hydrostatic pressure Microfluidics and Nanofluidics , Vol. 3, 2007. 561-570.

Fan, M., Clark, M. and Feng, Z.C.Implementation and stability study of phase-locked-loop nonlinear dynamic measurement systems in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 12, #7, October 2007, 1302-1315. , 2007. Available online 20 March 2006.

Feng, Z.C., Fan, M., and Chellaboina, V. Adaptive input estimation methods for improving the bandwidth of microgyroscopes IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 7, #4, April 2007. 562-567.

Feng, Z.C. and Li, Y. C.Nanoscale spontaneous patterning Journal of Statistical Physics Vol. 123, 741-751, 2006.

Poreddy, S., Pai, P.F. and Feng, Z.C. Design compensation for fabrication imperfections of tuning-fork gyroscopes Proc. IMechE, Park K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, Vol. 220, 97-103 2006.

Fan, M., Feng, Z.C., Agca, Y. and Critser, J. Vibration study of the piezo-driven pipettes immersed in viscous liquids Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 100, 074701-(1-8),2006. Also available at Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research Vol. 12 (9), 2006.

Seo, Duck-bong, Chicone, C. and Feng, Z.C. Synchronization problem in delay-line oscillator SAW sensors Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 121, 44-51, 2005.

Feng, Z.C. and Gore, K. Frequency responses of vibratory gyroscopes IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 4, 80-84, 2004.

Li, Y. and Feng, Z.C. Bifurcation and chaos in friction-induced vibrationCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol 9 (6), 571-581, 2004.

Lee, Y. and Feng, Z.C. Dynamic responses to sinusoidal excitations of beams with frictional jointsCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol 9 (6), 633-647, 2004.

Chicone, C. and Z.C. Feng Synchronization phenomena for coupled delay-line oscillators Physica D, Vol 198, 212-230, 2004.

Feng, Z.C. and Chicone, C. A delay differential equation model for surface acoustic wave sensorsSensors and Actuators A: Physical, 104, 171-178, 2003.

Feng, Z.C., Shih, A., and Miller, W.H. Self-excited oscillations of structures by particle emissionNonlinear Dynamics, 32, 15-32, 2003.

Lombardo, S.J. and Feng, Z.C. Determination of the minimum time for binder removal and optimum geometry for three-dimensional porous green bodiesJournal of American Ceramic Society, 86, 2087-2092, 2003.

Lombardo, S.J. and Feng, Z.C. An Analytic Method for the Minimum Time for Binder Removal from Three-Dimensional Porous Green BodiesJournal of Materials Research, 18, 2717-2723, 2003.

Feng, Z.C. and Zhang, X.-Z. Rubbing phenomena in rotor-stator contact Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 14, 257-267, 2002

Feng, Z.C., He, B., and Lombardo, S.J. Stress distribution in porous ceramic bodies during binder burnout Journal of Applied Mechanics, 69, 497-501, 2002

Lombardo, S.J. and Feng, Z.C. Pressure distribution during binder burnout in three-dimensional porous ceramic bodies with anisotropic permeabilityJournal of Materials Research , 17, 1434-1440, 2002.

Liew, K.M., and Feng, Z.C. Three-dimensional free vibration analysis of perforated super elliptical plates via the p-Ritz method International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 43, 2613-2630, 2001

Kim, H.-Y., Feng, Z.C., and Chun, J.-H. Instability of a liquid sheet emerging from a droplet upon colliding with a solid surfacePhysics of Fluids 12, 531-541, 2000.

Feng, Z.C. and Liew, K.M. Global bifurcations in parametrically excited systems with zero-to-one internal resonanceNonlinear Dynamics 21:249-263, 2000.

Munoz-Guijosa, J.M., and Feng, Z.C. Stability analysis of a rigid rotor on tilting pad journal bearingsProceedings of IMechE: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 214 Part J, 243-251, 2000.

Qiu, J. and Feng, Z.C. Impact dynamics of thin plates Computers and Structures 75: 491-506, 2000.

Liew, K.M., and Feng, Z.C. Vibration characteristics of conical shell panels with three-dimensional flexibility Journal of Applied Mechanics, 67, 314-320, 2000

Feng, Z.C. and Poon, C., A mathematical model of pendelluft flow in a single airway bifurcation J. Biomechanical Engineering 120, 463-467, 1998

Feng, Z.C. Coupling between neighboring two-dimensional modes of water waves, Physics of Fluids 10, 2405-2411, 1998.

Feng, Z.C., Instability Caused by the Coupling Between Nonresonant Shape Oscillation Modes of a Charged Conducting Drop J. Fluid Mech. 333, 1-21,1997.

Feng, Z.C. and Su, Y.H.,Numerical simulations of the translational and shape oscillations of a liquid drop in an acoustic field Phys. Fluids 9, 519-529, 1997 **

Feng, Z.C., Transition to traveling waves from standing waves in a rectangular container subjected to horizontal excitations Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 415-418, 1997

Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., Nonlinear Bubble Dynamics. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 29:201-243 1997.

Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of Electrostatically Levitated Drop Int. J. Multiphase Flow 22:93-120, 1996.

Su, Y.H. and Feng, Z.C., Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of Acoustically Levitated Drops J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 2799-2810, 1996.**

Feng, Z.C. and Li, D.Z. Dynamics of a Mechanical System with a Shape Memory Alloy Bar J. of Intell. Mat. Sys. and Struct. 7, 399-410, 1996.

Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., Symmetries of the Amplitude Equations of an Inextensional Beam with Internal Resonance J. Applied Mechanics 62:235-238, 1995.

Feng, Z.C., Does Nonlinear Intermodal Coupling Occur in a Vibrating Stretched String? J. Sound and Vibration 182(5):809-812, 1995.

Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., Translational Instability of a Bubble Undergoing Shape Oscillations Phys. Fluids A 7: 1325-1336, 1995.

Feng, Z.C. and Wiggins, S., Fluid Particle Dynamics in Gravity and Capillary Waves Generated by the Faraday Instability Nonlinear Dynamics 8:141-160, 1995.

Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., Bifurcation and Chaos in Shape and Volume Oscillations of a Periodically Driven Bubble with Two-to-One Internal Resonance J. Fluid Mech. 266:209-242, 1994.

Feng, Z.C. and Sethna, P.R., Global Bifurcations in the Motion of Parametrically Excited Thin Plates Nonlinear Dynamics 4:389-408, 1993.

Feng, Z.C. and Wiggins, S., On the Existence of Chaos in a Class of Two-Degree-of-Freedom, Damped, Parametrically Forced Mechanical Systems with Broken O(2) Symmetry J. of Applied Math. and Physics (ZAMP) 44:201-248, 1993.

Yang, S.M., Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., Nonlinear Effects in the Dynamics of Shape and Volume Oscillations for a Gas Bubble in an External Flow J. Fluid Mech. 247:417-454, 1993.

Feng, Z.C. and Leal, L.G., On Energy Transfer in Resonant Bubble Oscillations Phys. Fluids A. 5:826-836, 1993.

Feng, Z.C. and Sethna, P.R., Global Bifurcation and Chaos in Parametrically Forced Systems with One-One Resonance, Dynamics and Stability of Systems 5(4):201-225, 1990.

Feng, Z.C. and Sethna, P.R., Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcations in Resonant Surface Waves, J. Fluid Mech. 199:495-518, 1989.

Past Articles

How Hot Does a Light Bulb Get?

    An infrared (IR) thermometer seems to be the easiest way to an answer. Unfortunately the filament temperature can easily exceed the ranges of existing IR thermometers. This is an experiment that can be conducted in order to determine the temperature of a light bulb filmament.

A Mechanical System with Non-Minimum Phase

    Here is an example of a mechanical system that has non-minimum phase. I used this example in June 2000 when teaching System Dyamics.

Modeling and Experimental Verification of Vibration and Noise Caused by the Cavity Modes of a Rolling Tire Under Static Loading, Revised Version

    This is the latest version of the paper whose abstract is listed below. This version follows the “Decision: Revise (Major Revisions)” by an editor of Journal of Sound and Vibration. Although this version was rejected by the journal, it has a much cleaner derivation.

Modeling and Experimental Verification of Vibration and Noise Caused by the Cavity Modes of a Rolling Tire Under Static Loading

    Tire cavity noise refers to the vehicle noise due to the excitation of the acoustic mode of a tire air cavity. Although two lowest acoustic modes are found to be sufficient to characterize the cavity dynamics, the dynamical response of these two modes is complicated by two major factors. First, the tire cavity geometry is affected by the static load applied to the tire due to vehicle weight. Second, the excitation force from the tire-road contact changes position as the tire rotates. In this paper, we first develop dynamic equations for the lowest modes of a rotating tire under the static load. Based on the model, we obtain the forces transmitted to the wheel from the tire resulting from the random contact force between the tire and the road surface. The transmitted forces along the fore/aft direction and the vertical direction show two peaks at frequencies that are dependent both on the tire static load and on the vehicle speed. We also analyze the dynamic spectra of the vavity air pressure. Our results show the presence of dominant peaks in the noise spectra. We further report experimental data on spindle responses and the model prediction. Our work thus provides a basic understanding for the interaction of tire cavity excitation and a tire/wheel assembly which is critical to develop strategies of mitigating the tire cavity noise in the early state of tire/wheel design.

An Extension of the Stoney Equation: Stress in Thick Films

    We present an extension of the Stoney equation. This extension is based on the calculation of stresses and deformation in a multiple layered plate with mismatching coefficients of thermal expansion. The analysis is first carried out for a multiple layered beam. The results are generalized to plates with isotropic in-plane stresses. We obtain the relationship between the stress in the film and the plate radius of curvature without requireing the film to be thinner than the substrate. Although the derivation is traightforward, the resulting equation has not been seen in the literature and it is of practical importance. Moreover, the resulting equation is exact.

The Roles of Mercury in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

    Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), microinjection of a single spermatozoon into an oocyte, is a routine procedure in assisted repreduction programs. In many early experiments mercury is placed within the injection system because its high surface tension in the system facilitates the injection procedure. Unfortunately, mercury is cytotoxic and therefore alternative fluids or approaches are needed. Here we examine the main properties of mercury and their impact on the various aspects of ICSI. We conclude that the small momentum diffusivity of mercury is the most important contributing factor that facilitates the ICSI procedures. Not reported here are the unsuccessful attempts of developing mercury-less piezo-drills based on the findings of this paper. Further improvements in electronics should make it possible to develop such drills.

Proceedings of Refereed Conferences

Sethna, P.R. and Feng, Z.C., Chaotic Motions in Parametrically Excited Systems with Quadratic Nonlinearities in Dynamical Systems Approaches to Nonlinear Problem in Systems and Circuits SIAM Proceedings of the Conference on Qualitative Methods for the Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics. (Fathi M. Salam and Mark L. Levi, eds.), Henniker, NH, June 8Ð13, 1986, pp. 304-316.

Sethna, P.R., Feng, Z.C., and Yang, X. On symmetry breaking bifurcations: local and global phenomena Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering ScienceIUTAM Symposium Stuttgart/Germany 1989. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1990.

Feng, Z.C., Nonresonant Modal Interactions Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations at the 15th ASME Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise Boston, MA, September 17Ð21, 1995, pp. 511-517.

Feng, Z.C., Perturbation analysis of global bifurcations in parametrically excited systems with zero-to-one internal resonance Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. 1996 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition DE-Vol. 91, 1996, pp. 19-25.

Li, D.Z., and Feng, Z.C. Dynamic properties of pseudoelastic shape memory alloys Smart Structures and Materials 1997 SPIE Volume 3041, pp. 715-725.

Feng, Z.C., and Zhang, X.-Z. Rubbing phenomena in rotor-stator contactNonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics, 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orland, Florida, AMD-Vol. 241, 81-88, 2000

Feng, Z.C., A nonlinear dynamics model of a microelectromechanical vibrating wheel gyroscope Advances in Structural Dynamics (edited by J.M. Ko and Y.L. Xu), Elsevier, Oxford, 283-290, 2000

Haney, J.D., and Feng, Z.C. Achieving close frequency match without incurring instabilities in micro gyrosIMECE 2001/MEMS-23838, Proceedings of 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 11-16, 2001, New York, NY. 1-5, 2001

Lee, Yongsik, and Feng, Z.C. Feasibility study of parametric excitations of a tuning fork microgyroscope ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-59978, 2004

Poreddy, S., Pai, P., and Feng, Z.C. Design compensation for fabrication imperfection of microgyroscopes ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-59967, 2004

Fan, M., Feng, Z.C., and Chellaboina, V. Adaptive input estimation methods for high bandwidth microgyros ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-61898, 2004

Seo, D.-B, and Feng, Z.C. Synchronization in dual delay line SAW sensorsASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 14-19, Anaheim, CA. IMECE2004-59979, 2004

Clark, M., and Feng, Z.C. Dynamic testing of mechanical properties of a substrate using phase-locked loop”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 6-11, Orlando, FL, IMECE2005-81392, pp.1-6

Lee, Y. and Feng, Z.C. Design of a parametrically excited tuning fork microgyroscope ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 6-11, Orlando, FL, IMECE2005-81427, pp.1-6

Fan, M., Agca, Y., Critser, J., and Feng, Z.C. Vibration study of the piezo-driven pipettes immersed in viscous liquids ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 6-11, Orlando, FL, IMECE2005-81441, pp.1-6