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Krishnaswamy Receives VentureWell Faculty Grant

February 24, 2021

Faculty Grants Fall 2020

Kiruba Krishnaswamy, an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical, Biological and Chemical Engineering with a joint appointment in Food Science (CAFNR), received a Fall 2020 VentureWell Faculty Grant, in a statement from the organization. This grant recognizes Krishnaswamy’s commitment to inclusive support of students who are creating innovations for positive social and environmental impact.

“This award supports STEAM Innovations in food systems, incorporating sustainability, creativity, inclusion and diversity,” Krishnaswamy said. “It will help connect and create food innovation ecosystems to support Mizzou students.”

With the award, Krishnaswamy will develop new courses at Mizzou that incorporates experiential learning focusing on agricultural and food systems aligning with U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

Krishnaswamy won the grant through a competitive national review process. Krishnaswamy was one of just 13 grant recipients nationwide.