Internships | MAE | Missouri Compacts: Student Success

Taking off: Toler internship at Boeing provides real-world experience

July 14, 2022

Portrait of Landon Toler

Landon Toler is conducting an internship at Boeing.

Internships are a great way to explore career options, meet industry professionals and gain real-world experience.

Landon Toler, a junior in mechanical and aerospace engineering, is working at Boeing this summer.

We asked Landon to tell us a little about his experience.

Tell us about your internship at Boeing. What is your role and primary responsibility? 

 I am a Quality Systems Specialist on the 747/767 Core Quality team. Our team utilizes the quality management and safety management systems to stabilize and improve the Boeing Production System. We are quality assurance, for the quality assurance inspection teams on the factory floor. We use these systems to analyze defect trends and identify specific gaps within the 747/767 aircraft manufacturing process. From there, we bring the data and trends to various other engineering teams in the organization to brainstorm and implement solutions that drive down defects, rework and waste.  

 What is a typical day like? 

 Most days our team meets in the morning to discuss work in progress, deliverables for the day and any help needed. Throughout the day I work by myself and with my managers on my project, shadow various positions throughout the organization and receive training on the factory processes and flow. 

How did Mizzou Engineering prepare you for this internship?

The skills I learned at Mizzou that have proved most valuable are problem solving and teamwork. Whether I am searching for help on my tasks, or collaborating with other interns on projects, my job often requires problem solving with the people around me. Through experiences with student organizations like the Mizzou AeroTigers design team, I have improved my teamwork, leadership and critical thinking skills. By overcoming obstacles, meeting deadlines and working in teams, my club and education experiences at Mizzou have helped to prepare me to work in the aerospace industry. 

How did Mizzou Engineering Career Services assist you with securing or preparing for this internship?

Mizzou helped connect me with managers at Boeing by inviting them to campus. In Lafferre I was given the chance to speak with a hiring representative who informed me about available opportunities at Boeing. The conversation allowed me to get my foot in the door, and better present myself and my resume to Boeing. 

What have you enjoyed most working at Boeing so far?

I have had a wonderful experience meeting and collaborating with employees from all over the factory. There are almost 40,000 Boeing employees in the Puget Sound, and every single person I have met or worked with has been incredibly helpful, kind and excited to teach me about their work. I have had the opportunity to gain experience on the entire Boeing Production System for the manufacturing of the 747 and 767. As someone who has dreamed about starting a career in the aerospace industry, my time at Boeing has been captivating. 

What have you learned from your internship experience? 

 One of the most significant things I have learned at Boeing is the large variety of jobs available for engineers. The business of quality is not a career path I knew anything about. But I have learned that there is an abundance of opportunities at Boeing for engineers that will allow me to do exciting or fulfilling work in the aerospace industry. 

What advice would you give other students wanting to have a similar internship experience?

 I believe that much of my success at landing the Boeing internship can be attributed to the conversations I had with the Boeing representatives on campus and in my interviews. While having a strong resume is important, preparing for, asking good questions and leaving an interview feeling like both sides learned from and enjoyed the conversation is invaluable.  

Is there anything else you would like others to know about your internship?

Shoot for the moon! Research the companies and opportunities available in the industry that excites you and apply to as many as you can. You never know what situations you could come across that can help jumpstart your career in engineering! 

 Thanks for sharing!

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