Missouri Compacts: Student Success | Students

Co-chairs bring experience and enthusiasm for 2022 Engineers' Week

March 04, 2022

Paul Orton Engineers' Week

Co-chair Paul Orton

Chloe Jones Engineers' Week

Co-chair Chloe Jones

As spring seems to finally be around the corner, that can only mean one thing – Engineers’ Week is fast approaching! This traditional celebration, with its origins dating back to 1903, honors and recognizes St. Patrick as the patron saint of engineers.

Heading the planning for this annual event, Engineers’ Club/St. Pat’s Board committee co-chairs Chloe Jones and Paul Orton are excited to lead E-Week at Mizzou.

“Having the first and oldest E-Week in the country is cool,” Orton said. “It’s a point of pride.”

“Both Paul and I have been (Engineers’ Club/St. Pat’s Board) members since we were freshmen,” Jones said. “It’s a fun week, but also really rewarding. We get to do a lot of fun stuff and recognize how hard everyone works in Engineering.”

The computer science seniors bring a wealth of experience to coordinate this year’s E-Week. Orton previously served as the chair of the St. Pat’s Knighting Ceremony and was on the Homecoming Steering Committee. Jones was chair of the St. Pat’s Royalty Committee, among other committees, and president of the Mizzou Engineering Student Council.

“I’ve seen how things are planned, serving on three committees previously,” Jones said. “It’s given me the knowledge to support and oversee all the committees this year. Also, knowing how our group culture in St. Pat’s Board should be – light and fun – but also know when to get things done, is important.”

Make Memories During Engineers’ Week

Both Jones and Orton are pushing for new and transfer students to take part in this year’s E-Week activities. Jones recommends participating in the Road Rally, while Orton recommends attending the Dome Lighting Ceremony, which kicks off E-Week.

“If you’re new to the College, there’s a place for you here to find your community or group,” Orton said. “It’s fun to go to events, and it’s a good chance to make lifetime memories.”

Jones and Orton encourage all seniors to sign up for the Ada Wilson Green Tea Lecture and the Knighting Ceremony and to be honored at those events.

“Seniors have earned the right to be recognized for their accomplishments, especially because of the added challenges the past couple years,” Jones said.

Students wanting to take part in E-Week this year can volunteer at or be part of the 5k/10k race/walk on Saturday, March 12, or be a tour guide at Lab Exhibits on Thursday, March 17. To help plan next year’s Engineers’ Week festivities, membership sign-up notices for the St. Pat’s Board will go out at the start of the fall 2022 semester.

Email the committee co-chairs for more information.