October 27, 2020

Portrait of Omiya HassanName
Omiya Hassan

Dhaka, Bangladesh

PhD, Electrical Engineering

Faculty Advisor
Syed Kamrul Islam

Where did you complete your undergraduate study?
United International University (UIU) Dhaka, Bangladesh

Why did you choose Mizzou for your graduate program?
Mizzou provides great assistantships for international graduate students, and the faculty and research at the College of Engineering are quite noteworthy. The Mizzou international community and staff provided immense support before coming here which will always have a great impact on me. Last but not least, the campus was beautiful and mesmerizing both in the brochure and in reality.

Tell us about your graduate research.  What are some potential outcomes or applications?
My graduate research focuses on designing an energy-efficient, low-power AI/Machine-learning based hardware system for biomedical applications. The outcome of this research is to create affordable, compact and wearable devices for point of care diagnosis to treat complicated diseases and disorders.

What are some accomplishments you’ve achieved at Mizzou that you’re especially proud of?
In my first year of Ph. D. program, our lab won the first prize in student design competition at the IEEE INERTIAL conference of 2019. During my two years here, I was able to publish more than four conference papers and a book chapter. I am also thankful to the College of Engineering for giving me the “1907 women in Engineering award” of 2019. Mizzou always supports women studying in STEM, I was fortunate enough to be sponsored by Mizzou to attend the “Grace Hopper Celebration of 2019” where leading tech women around the world gather there to meet and mentor young  researchers like us. Lastly, with the great support of my supervisor, I was able to win student travel grants to attend conferences such as IEEE SSCS 2020, IEEE NOCS 2019, and iRedefined.

What do you hope to do after you complete your degree?
I am passionate about research and teaching the young generation in using technology for humanity. I wish to join in academia at an R1 university after I complete my degree.