Shyu Named AMIA Fellow

November 07, 2019

Chi-Ren ShyuChi-Ren Shyu, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and director of the University of Missouri’s Institute for Data Science & Informatics, has been named a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). The letter notifying Prof. Shyu of his selection as a Fellow of AMIA, or FAMIA notes, “this achievement signals to patients, employers, and colleagues that Prof. Shyu is an expert in evidence-based informatics practice and engaged with a community of life-long learners who apply the latest advances in informatics to improve health and health care.”

“As an engineer and computing researcher, becoming an informatician is one of the most rewarding decisions I have made during my academic career,” Shyu said. “I am fortunate to have the opportunities to work with clinicians to develop clinically-inspired eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) algorithms and data analytic tools for family physicians, cardiologists, dermatologists, oncologists, etc. This AMIA fellow status reinforces my believe that an engineer can also make significant impacts on people’s lives.”

Since joining MU in 2000, Shyu has received several awards including the National Science Foundation CAREER award, Engineering Faculty Research Award, Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, the 2014 University of Missouri Faculty Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Award, the 2016 UM System President’s Leadership Award and seven computer science teaching awards. His research interests include massive data analytics, biomedical informatics, mHealth and eHealth, visual knowledge reasoning and search engine design.